Book Cover: T&T Clark Encyclopedia of Second Temple Judaism Volumes I and II

T&T Clark Encyclopedia of Second Temple Judaism Volumes I and II

This bookThe book "T&T Clark Encyclopedia of Second Temple Judaism Volumes I and II" was written by T&T Clark and it has 2 pages for you to enjoy.

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Synopsis, Summary or DescriptionNext Section

The book T&T Clark Encyclopedia of Second Temple Judaism Volumes I and II} is on the table

The T&T Clark Encyclopedia of Second Temple Judaism Volumes I and II is a comprehensive reference work that explores the religious, cultural, and historical landscape of Judaism during the Second Temple period. This scholarly anthology comprises two volumes brimming with expertly curated articles that delve into various aspects of this significant era in Jewish history.

In Volume I, readers are introduced to the political and social context of the Second Temple period. The articles explore the rise and fall of key political entities such as the Persian and Hellenistic empires, providing readers with a comprehensive understanding of the historical backdrop against which Jewish religious practices and cultural developments flourished. In addition, this volume delves into various themes such as the priesthood, the temple cult, and Jewish sects, shedding light on the intricate tapestry of religious beliefs and practices during this time.

Volume II takes a closer look at the literary, intellectual, and theological aspects of Second Temple Judaism. Through a collection of in-depth explorations, readers gain insight into the diverse range of literature produced within the Jewish community, including biblical interpretations, legal texts, apocalyptic writings, and wisdom literature. Moreover, this volume covers important figures and movements that emerged during this period, such as the Essenes, Pharisees, and Sadducees, offering multifaceted perspectives on the religious landscape of the time.

With contributions from a team of esteemed scholars and experts in the field, this encyclopedia serves as a crucial resource for scholars, researchers, and students seeking a comprehensive understanding of Second Temple Judaism. The articles are meticulously researched and carefully crafted to provide authoritative insights into the history, culture, and religious practices of the Jewish people during this transformative era. Cross-referencing and extensive bibliographies further enhance the scholarly value of this work, inviting readers to explore related topics in greater depth.

Overall, the T&T Clark Encyclopedia of Second Temple Judaism Volumes I and II is an indispensable resource that offers a panoramic view of the rich tapestry of Jewish life during the Second Temple period. Its thorough exploration of historical, cultural, and religious dimensions provides readers with a deep appreciation of the multifaceted nature of Jewish society and its enduring influence on subsequent generations.

Book specifications (Data Sheet)Next Section

We have separated for you, through this data sheet, the main features of this book as extra information for you to decide whether to buy or not.

TitleT&T Clark Encyclopedia of Second Temple Judaism Volumes I and II
ISBN9780567661449 056766144X
PublisherT&T Clark
Page Count2 pages
Publication DateWednesday, December 25, 2019
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Where can I buy the physical version of this book? What is the price?Next Section

We have researched in several bookstores in the country and came to the conclusion that the most suitable store to buy the book T&T Clark Encyclopedia of Second Temple Judaism Volumes I and II is the Amazon store.

Amazon has a very secure policy and several payment options, so you can buy your book safely and be sure that it will arrive at your home with all the care and quality.

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It is important to point out to the author or person responsible for the book that we are against piracy. The purpose of this site is to make users aware of the authors' books, so that they can sell even more.

That being said, we provide the user with the cover photo and technical sheet of the book. We also offer a PDF file containing only a brief summary of the book, with purchase links, in addition to online reading, which is a means of assisting the reader in the decision-making process.